Tuesday, April 7, 2009


My sister, Soraya, is the most important person in my life even if our relationship has gone through ups and downs.

When she was born I was only sixteen months and of course as a lonely child a feeling of jealously grew in me. This sensation lasted only for a while. I got used to her and a very beautiful relationship was born. When we were children a lot of people thought that we were twins because we were always together and dressed in the same way. They might also have felt the strong bond that we had in common.

Later when she was the age to go to school, I was the one in charge because my parents were working a lot at that time and very young I learned to take care of her. My sistes has always been a little bit naive and I was always worried that something bad could happen to her. During break times at school I could not play with my classmates because I wanted to watch her. This struck the teachers because even if I was young, I was protective and caring towards my little sister.

We love so much each other even now we have a very close relationship. The fact that we have nearly the same age enabled us to share everything because we were living exactly the same things.

However our personalities are totally different. I am more intellectual and theoretical in my way of living, whereas she is pratical and extrovert. She is passionate and sentimental in everything she does. She can cry easily.

I regret to say something negative about her, but she is also bad-tempered. Her angers can be heard miles away from where she is. We have to be very careful with what we say to her because she is extremely touchy.

Nevertheless she has a sense of share that I cannot find in someone else. She is not only helpful and understanding, but she is also trustworthy and brave. We really get on well with each other. Although we have distinct personalities, we are complementary to each other. We have an essential point in common, we have had the same upbringing and the same childhood that means that we share the same morals, the same pains and happiness in our memories.

1 comment:

  1. Elodie this is very elegantly written, and a touching reflection on your evidently loving relationship with your sister. Beautifully expressed.
    Just a few grammar/vocab issues to note:

    I'd leave out "in common"
    "and, although very young..."
    "struck the teachers as + adj" or you could say "this impressed the teachers/made a big impression on the teachers"
    even though (common mistake to leave out "though")
    love each other so .... word order
    are .... the same age
    her screaming and shouting or you could say "tantrums" (a bit unkind)
    can be heard for miles
    she has a caring/compassionate nature
    that I haven't found in anyone else
    which means (non-defining)
